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Heidi Johnston

Camp One Way

Spring has arrived with all its vibrant colors and warmer temperatures. Kids are anticipating the end of the school year and looking forward to summer break, and the month of May is filled with all kinds of additional activities…concerts, programs, sporting events, graduations, etc. It’s no wonder our kids are looking forward to the end of the school year. As a parent of three kids and a teacher, I often found myself struggling to keep my focus and longing for “the end” to finally arrive, too.


However, when it comes to a relationship with Jesus, we don’t want our kids to think that summer is a time to put their faith journey on hold as they break from school. Our faith journey doesn’t stop just because summer has arrived. It’s a different season…not a finish line. So, as we closeout this season, we have activities planned to celebrate our kids and help them grow in their relationship with Jesus.


On Sunday, May 19th, between services and following the last service will be our Spring Celebration. A time to celebrate our kids and the impact our youngest members have on the life of the church. A time to let them know that they are deeply loved by their faith community. A time for celebrating their joy, curiosity, and boundless energy with a bounce house/obstacle course.


Our hope is that this will be opportunity for children and their families to make connections and celebrate the invaluable blessings that they bring to our church. Children are encouraged to invite their friends to join them for Kid’s Church and the fun festivities following the services.


Children are one of our greatest resources and an invaluable gift from God. Let’s celebrate all their joys and successes from the past school year this coming Sunday.


Then, moving into summer we want to continue to offer opportunities for our children to stay connected and grow in their faith. Kids Church will continue throughout the summer months on Sunday mornings (except May 26th & June 30th we Family Worship, no Kids Church ). And one of my favorite ways to build excitement in Jesus is through Vacation Bible School coming in July.


So…what images pop into your head when you think of VBS?


Although Vacation Bible School had a different look than when I was a kid, I have wonderful memories of connecting with friends and teachers, playing games on the church lawn, hearing stories from the Bible, and singing songs that I can still recall after all the years that have passed by.


VBS is a fun and creative place to reach kids with the message of the truth of the gospel. A time to plant seeds in the hearts of our children as they build relationships with other kids, as well as the youth and adults from our church. It’s like a multi-generational army united around the “good news” of Jesus. What a beautiful thing! My heart is overflowing with excitement!


This year’s theme for Westbrook Sports Camp is “Camp One Way”! In a world full of different ways to go, we follow God’s path in our trek through life.


The world is pulling our kids in all kinds of directions and defining “truth” by the culture that we live in. But if our culture is constantly changing…changing from day to day, year to year, is it really “truth”?  God’s truth…REAL truth…never changes!


At “Camp One Way” we will be looking at what “Some people say…” and what “God says…” as we look at what the world teaches versus what God desires for us using clear Scriptural counterpoints. Our hope is that kids will walk away knowing the truth of Jesus’ love for each one of them and that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through [Him].” (John 14:6)


Of course, Kid’s Ministry and VBS doesn’t happen without the help of lots and lots of volunteers, who give of their time to invest in the lives of God’s greatest gift…our children. Thank you so much for your commitment and passion in planting the seeds of faith in the hearts of the youngest members of our church. Your service is greatly appreciated!


VBS runs from 6:00-8:00 pm, July 15-18th for children Kindergarten through 5th grade. Registration is open for kids and volunteers. Kids are encouraged to invite friends and neighbors to join them for these four evenings of fun activities, snacks, and relationship building as they discover more about God and His amazing love.


Spread the word about “Camp One Way” to your friends and neighbors. Let’s make this summer a season focused on sharing the gospel with the children of our church and community.

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